Healing the Father Wound

Healing the Father Wound

To anyone who has experienced any father wounding, I want to share this lovely channeling that came through me recently. You see, I lost my father to suicide when I was but three and a half. That journey has taken me on a lifetime path of healing that aspect of...
The Dance of Owning My Power

The Dance of Owning My Power

What is it about owning our power, our light that can seem so hard – even impossible – at times? I’ve been up against this, face to face with it more recently. When I scan the timeline of my soul, past lives, ancient incarnations, I can still feel this...
Lion’s Gate

Lion’s Gate

Just as words and sounds carry an energy signature vibration, so do numbers. When these align with other forces such as planetary influences they create an acceleration of sorts. The August 8th Leo gateway is literally a portal created by this combination of numerical...
NEW EARTH MANIFESTO: Birth of the Athena Matrix™

NEW EARTH MANIFESTO: Birth of the Athena Matrix™

In going through my journals and channeled work of the past couple decades, one of the entries I found was what I wrote the day I conceived of the Athena Matrix. You will see by the date this was shortly after the presidential inauguration, a time where some big...
Building a Higher-Vibe Brand, Business and Life

Building a Higher-Vibe Brand, Business and Life

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know my approach to brands and businesses is more expansive than the usual mainstream definition. I talk about it more here and here. Today my guides were quite adamant in sharing this message around this subject and taking it...
Energy Mastery

Energy Mastery

Master your energy and the energy of your business, brand and life. Energy is the foundation of everything in the universe, including you! It informs everything you do, everything you create, everything you are. You are literally a divine magnet, broadcasting your...

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