To anyone who has experienced any father wounding, I want to share this lovely channeling that came through me recently. You see, I lost my father to suicide when I was but three and a half. That journey has taken me on a lifetime path of healing that aspect of myself. Interestingly, it also involved actively helping my father heal from this trauma on the other side. Only decades later did I realize I had been doing soul retrieval and shamanic work even when I was too young to have any idea that it existed. Through that work, I was given the gift of a new, healed relationship with my father in soul form that nourishes me to this day.

One realization that has helped me along this path is that – even when we heal the big wounds – there is still the energetic and physiological fallout to that trauma. Old, default ways of operating  from that pain can remain deeply ingrained, and so that old wound still carries a mighty charge when any of the old triggers surface. 

I have found that this is a layer of healing that takes more time and needs our ongoing compassion and understanding as we navigate and make the many small shifts toward our true, whole self. It was during one of these times arising recently, that this channeling came through. 

I had been dealing with my mother’s failing health and impending passing with increasing intensity and it had me rattled and feeling deep fears of abandonment as if I were that little girl all over again. That young version of me was frightened and certain that all the devastation and pain was coming to pass just as it had before. When I went to journal on this, the energy that came through from my guides felt like the divine father aspect of God/Universe/Spirit and was so very soothing to my wounded daughter’s soul. They showed me a path of healing this wounded aspect through strenthening my divine Father-Daughter relationship with God/Christ Consciousness so that trust could be restored within me. I hope it helps you in some way as well.



Let the Universe love you. Let the Creator love you. Lay down the illusions you’ve created to protect you from feeling your full surrender to God. Can you allow yourself to trust and fall backwards freely into the arms of the Creator who adores you boundlessly? Let Him show you what it is to be Truly Loved. Love of Self is only love when it is through the lens of God. When you see yourself as God sees you then you truly know divine love. 

Your only “job” is to BE God. Let God light flow through you. Let God’s light move through you, work through you. 

What would it be to trust completely that God has your back in every way? 

What would it be to abolish all fearful behaviors and actions and act only from loving Trust in Spirit? 

You are being asked to develop a relationship with the Father aspect of God. Any of this fathering love that you did not receive when young, you resist allowing in now, lest you be devastated and brokenhearted all over again. “Never again!”, the fierce protective part of you states, and because your words and will are so powerful, So It Is.

But now your Divine Father comes to you and stands before you and beckons you so your heart and soul can heal.

“Let me in. Allow me to show you what can open up for you when you allow yourself to be loved by me. To dance in life with me.” 

To be loved by your true Divine Father is to know that you are adored, cherished and worthy beyond all questioning or doubt, to know that you are protected and guided and that you are always amply provided for in all ways at all times. 

To dwell in your Divine Father’s love is to delight in your heart’s desires. To let them be known and to see them joyfully and generously delivered to you beyond your expectations. Your Father encourages you to leap, 

“Leap! Because I will always be here to catch you. Fly! Because I am with you cheering you on and already have prepared safe space for your landing. I want to support you to BE all that you wish to BE. To BE who you truly ARE. Please allow me to do that for you so that you can experience that and be set free in that knowing.”



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